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Academic perspective

My research interests explore the intersectionality between music education, musical language, social justice, neoliberalism and drum/percussion techniques.


Of particular interest to me has become the theoretical perspective of Paulo Freire, Godfather of 'Critical Pedagogy'. First reading of 'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' proved particularly transformational and provided me with a framework for contextualising my own praxis as a music educator and professional musician, challenging me to 'unveil' taken for granted complicities with the contemporary hegemonic system of Neoliberal Capitalism. A system which, I believe, seeks to marginalise Music Education through a narrowing of value systems, making invisible the many positive contributions Music, and the Arts, make outside of purely economic outcomes.


Music Education is a vehicle for vital personal and social transformation. Current research seeks to challenge, or 'problem-pose', views, behaviours and discourse to the contrary. 


Research Outputs


Journal Articles


Forkert, K., Huxtable, J., Nahaboo, Z., Nulman, E., Wilde, P. & Windsor, E. (2022), Revisiting Edward Said’s Representations of the Intellectual: A Roundtable for Perspectives on Academic Activism, Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education, Volume 4, Number 2, 2022, pp. 167-186(20)


Huxtable J. (2021), Pragmatic White Allyship for Higher Education Popular Music Academics, IASPM Journal – Special Issue – Crises at Work, pp.94-99, 



Book Chapters


Huxtable, J. (2022), Ideological Extrojection: The De-Neoliberalization of UK Music Education, in Powell, B. and Smith, G.D. (eds.), Places and Purposes of Popular Music Education: Perspectives from the Field, pp. 219-224, Intellect, Bristol UK / Chicago USA,


Huxtable, J. (2022), ‘Performance’ measures as neoliberal industrialisation of higher education: A policy archaeology of the Teaching Excellent Framework and implications for the marginalisation of music education, in Broadhead, S. (ed.), The Industrialisation of Arts Education, pp. 127-150, Palgrave Macmillan, 


Huxtable, J. (2022), Music Theory in Higher Education: The Language of Exclusion?, in Broadhead, S. (ed.), Access and Widening Participation in Arts Higher Education, pp.181-200, Palgrave Macmillan,


Conference Papers


Huxtable, J. (2022),  'Decolonisation of Percussion Curriculum: Representing Haitian Percussion – A Situational Praxis', 2022 International Drum Kit Studies Conference, Boston University, 9/10 September, 


Huxtable, J. (2022), 'Lost in Translation?: Methods for ‘Conscientization’ in Higher Education Popular Music Theory',  , The 2022 IASPM-UK/Ireland Branch Conference, Challenge and Change in Popular Music, University of Liverpool, 31st August - 2nd September,


Huxtable, J. (2022), 'Education is Change', The Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education (CSPACE) Annual Conference - Hopeful Matters: A 1000 Little Fires, Birmingham City University, 6/7th July,


Huxtable, J. & Zao, S. (2021), , Decolonisation of Percussion Curriculum, Royal Musical Association 57th Annual Conference, Newcastle University; Jason Huxtable & Sanba Zao, 14-16 September,


Huxtable, J. (2021) Privileged Language/Priveleged Space: ‘Music Theory as Racist Code in Higher Education Entry Requirements, Mayday Group Colloquium 32 - Creating and Sustaining Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Music Learning Practices, ONLINE/University of Oregon, Eugene; 29th June,


Huxtable, J. (2019) ‘Practise as Praxis: A Freirian Approach to Instrumental Practice within the Conservatoire’, Mayday Colloquium 31, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick IR, 19-22nd June, 


Huxtable, J. (2019) ‘Rhythm and Language: ‘Spaces in Time’ as Phonology’, School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music, Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, 14th May


Huxtable, J. (2018), ‘Developing a ‘Linguistic’ Rhythmic Pedagogy’, York Music Education Conference: Connections and Communication in Instrumental and Vocal Teaching, University of York, 26-27th June,




Practice based research outputs


Huxtable, J. (2019) Dictionary of Percussive Coordination


Pereira, J., Palmer, T. Huxtable, J. (2018) Threshold: for Solo Timpani, Two Percussion and Orchestra 


Huxtable, J., Palmer, T. (2016) The World Percussion Group




Institutional Presentations and dissemination 


Huxtable, J. (2022), Leeds Arts University Learning and Teaching Enhancement Conference: The Inclusive University, 'Excluding Languages?: The Socio-Economic-Racial Connotations of Music Degree Entry Requirements', 24th June


Huxtable, J. (2022), Centre for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Arts (CEDIA) Takeover of BCMCR, Birmingham City University, 'What Does Decolonising the Curriculum Mean To Me?', 15th June, (available to BCU staff and students)


Huxtable, J. (2022), Leeds Beckett University, Visiting Lecture, Stick Kinesthetics: 

Developing Technical Efficiency for Healthy Hands, 5th April


Huxtable, J. & Zao, S. (2022), Middlesex University Guest Music Lecture, The Vodou Rhythms of 

Haiti: Context Symbolism and Performance, 29th March


Huxtable, J. (2021), Leeds Arts University Learning and Teaching Enhancement Conference: Decolonising Curriculum, Decolonisation of Percussion Curriculum: Representing Haitian Percussion: A Situational Praxis, 25th June


Huxtable, J. (2021) The Industrialisation of Arts Education Seminar, hosted by Leeds Arts University, Instrumental Measures As Assault On Music Education: A policy archaeology of the teaching excellent framework, 16th March


Forkert K., Nulman E., Wilde P., Huxtable J., Nahaboo Z., Armstrong T., Windsor E. (2020), BCMCR Cultural Theory Research Seminar, hosted by BCU; Work in Progress: Roundtable discussion on academic activism  


Huxtable, J. (2019) ‘Problem Posing Music Curricula’, Staff Research Forum, Leeds Arts University


Huxtable, J. (2019) ‘Pedagogy of Rhythmic Language’, Music Education Solutions - Curriculum Music Conference, Forest Arts Centre, Walsall, 21st March


Huxtable, J. (2019), ‘Achieving Fellowship of AdvanceHE (FHEA)’, LCoM Staff Conference, Leeds College of Music, 3-4th January


Huxtable, J. (2018), ‘Marimba with a Pedal?: Dealing with Duration on the Vibraphone’, PAS UK/IR Day of Percussion, Leeds College of Music, 28th October






MayDay Group - Member and Newsletter Assistant Editor (2019-2022)


Percussive Arts Society - Member and UK Chapter President (2017-2022)


Royal Birmingham Conservatoire - Honorary Member (HonRBC)


BCU CEDIA (Centre for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Arts), Steering Group Member & RBC EDI Committee


AdvanceHE / Higher Education Academy - Fellow (FHEA)


Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research - Cultural Theory Group Participant


Association of Popular Music Educators - Member


IASPM - Member







Jason Huxtable

BMus(Hons), Adv.PG.Dip, HonRBC, FHEA


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